our loyalty program
become a loyal customer
Sign up for a free customer account and unlock these benefits:
Enjoy a 10% discount on all your favorite Nuvita products.
Enjoy an additional 10% discount when you subscribe to your must-haves.
Easily delay, skip, or update your orders anytime
Earn points on subscription orders to use on future one-time purchases.
Be the first to discover new products and exclusive promotions.
Enjoy free shipping on orders over $150.
Who can earn loyalty points?
Customers and Affiliates are eligible to earn loyalty points on every subscription order.
How are loyalty points earned?
You will earn 5% of your subscription subtotal back in loyalty points.
How many loyalty points can I redeem in a single order?
You can redeem up to $100 worth of points per order.
How are loyalty points applied to my cart at checkout?
When you choose to redeem points, they will be applied to your subtotal and divided among all products in your cart. Loyalty points may not be redeemed for shipping, handling, or taxes. Points may only be redeemed on one-time purchases.
If I purchase a product using loyalty points and return it, do I get my points back?
No, if you return a product purchased with loyalty points, the points will not be rewarded back to your account.
Do my loyalty points expire?
Yes, your points will expire 200 days after they are earned.
Are there any situations where I may lose my loyalty points?
You will lose your total points if you cancel your subscription.
Where can I keep track of my loyalty points?
Your total points earned will be visible on the checkout page and in your back office (coming soon) when you are logged into your Nuvita account.